lipton darjeeling tea ad girl, actress, model name and information - who is

lipton darjeeling tea ad girl, actress, model name and information - who is:

lipton darjelling tea is a tea product for its indian consumers by lipton india. It is a tea taken from the tea gardens of west bengal, darjelling. and the first tea of its kind without the leaves.

AD ID: 20200307


Summary of the ad:
The girl in yellow suit sitting in garden talking and serving lipton darjelling tea to two man.

Video link of the ad:

Name & details of the girl:

Name: currently no information

AD: lipton darjelling tea ad girl (yellow suit girl)

DOB: India

Profession: Modelling

Religion: no information

Height: no information

Weight: no information

Figure: no information

Sunsign: no information

Marital status:no information

Boyfriend: no information

Facebook: fb/

Daily Soaps (serials):

Tags: lipton darjelling tea ad girl name, lipton darjelling tea ad actress name, lipton darjelling tea ad model name, lipton darjelling tea ad, who is the girl in the lipton darjelling tea ad, name of the girl in lipton tea

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