Horlicks Chocolate Delight Latest TVC 2022 Full Cast Real Name / Horlicks Chocolate Flavour Commercial 2022 Mother real namr
The TVC by Horlicks
Horlicks delight Commercial is currently not found on the internet. As soon our team finds the Advertisement by Horlicks IN the IN denotes here India we will update the Commercial here on the space above.
By the way We will give you the actress name as mother in this Advert by Horlicks. The name of the model doing the role of mother/mummy in this Commercial is GIRIJA OAK. She features in many of the advertisements of different products. We have multiple of posts posted on her, just you need to search 'Girija Oak' in our search box.
The Horlicks brand is used in countries like USA, London, Canada too. And Children are attracted towards the brands like these, like Horlicks, Bournvita, Complan, Pediasure and etc.
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